Knowledge to be Mined!

Knowledge to be Mined!
November 15, 2018


Loren is one of my favorite and most prolific authors in the world of martial arts, and policing. I’d found him many years ago while doing research on ways to keep myself safe in a violent environment. Thankfully, there were some rules in place, but sadly ZERO training options that addressed that violence in any meaningful manner. I decided to find my own helpful resources, and during that time found the multitude of items that Loren had already produced to that end, which include several books and DVD’s on how to control violent people.

Keep in mind that this information is not solely for law enforcement or martial artists, but is relevant to anyone that cares to come out of an encounter in the best possible manner. Violence is many things, and I can tell you that after years of dealing with the violent, that you want to seek out a teacher like Loren. I can also tell you that this is NOT a technique book, in the traditional sense, unless you are open-minded and understand that violence is not just a physical entity, but also a mental game.

Loren is good with both. And his years as a martial artist, and his service to his country in Vietnam, and then his 20+ years of policing, which included gangs and riots amongst his other every-day duties, more than qualifies him to teach and talk about those experiences.

This book covers a lot of ground. Each War Story has meaning and purpose. Each individual chapter has depth and tokens to be shared. Most of what is in here is knowledge to be gathered and pondered. Some of it you already know maybe, but a lot of it came at a cost. I am thankful for his journey, and more so that he chooses to pass on his knowledge to guys like me that can truly benefit from his triumphs and pitfalls.

There is just so much in here that had me smiling, or nodding my head – ‘uyup.’ You will get great insights on how to deal with everyday encounters. Perhaps you’ll be thankful for what he has provided to keep your community safe, even because he likely has no idea of how his experiences have benefitted guys like me, and that has benefitted your either directly or indirectly.

Be thankful that there are people in the world like Loren. Be thankful that he is one of the good guys. Be thankful that he can also pass on his knowledge in many forms so that you didn’t have to pay the price of admission, but got to see the show anyway, because he did. I am.

© Copyright 2018, tim boehlert